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Pakatan Harapan Youth Concerned With Problems Faced By Malaysians Overseas To Vote

We are deeply concerned over the problems that Malaysians overseas are allegedly facing in casting their postal votes.

As reported by the Global Bersih chapters in France, Geneva, Germany, Netherlands and Scotland, the Elections Commission has announced that ballot papers will be sent out to postal voters two days after Nomination Day, i.e. 28 April.

This will give voters six working days for Pos Malaysia to get the ballots to the overseas voters and for the latter to send their ballots back. This will likely be too short a period, as Global Bersih has estimated that delivery times from Malaysia to certain European countries can take as many as 3-6 days.

Global Bersih has also claimed that Malaysian voters in Europe will have to pay for international courier services, which it estimates could cost up to EUR73-91 (RM349-435).

This is above and beyond the fact that Malaysians in Singapore, southern Thailand, Brunei and Kalimantan have not been allowed to give postal votes.

These restrictions could disenfranchise thousands of voters and surely damages the democratic nature of our elections.

The EC must provide an easier, cheaper and more efficient way for Malaysians abroad to vote to ensure that all of our citizens who are eligible to do so are able to vote.