The assault against the Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem, Gaza and elsewhere is continuing unabated.
Despite the on-going humanitarian tragedy confronting the Palestinians during Eid, it is heartening to see that Malaysians of all faiths, races and walks of life have united in solidarity with them.
This shows Malaysians at their best: that despite the difficulties and divisions we have faced in this last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, that we can still unite against the face of blatant oppression.
Indeed, the psychotically cruel and brutal actions of the Israeli government in attempting to evict Palestinians from their own land while deploying overwhelming military force against them have rightly been condemned all over the world.
As long as Israeli’s Western enablers, including the United States remain silent along with their Arab Muslim allies in the Middle East, they will be complicit in the former’s crimes and atrocities.
But Malaysians should not be discouraged despite the seemingly overwhelming obstacles. We must remain steadfast with our Palestinian brothers and sisters in their time of great trial.
We must not doubt that our efforts, whether protesting online, or spreading awareness of the Palestinian cause, or through donations, or even just our prayers, will help bring about justice in the Middle East, sooner or later.
The key is to continue with our efforts, to not lose hope and never falter. We must continue our peaceful activism and pressuring the international community to ensure a just and lasting peace emerges, resulting in an independent and viable Palestinian state.
To our Palestinian brethren: you are not alone in your hour of need.
The people of Malaysia are with you—now and always.