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Hishamuddin should urge corruption investigation on 1MDB, LTAT and Scorpene

I read with interest the statement from Defense Minister Hishamuddin Hussein regarding his willingness to be investigated for claims of corruption against him.

This is a bold statement by the Minister which should be commended as such openness and accountability is rare in the current administration.

As the Defense Minister, it is pertinent that he extends such openness to clarify on some legacy issues attached to his portfolio and comment on scandals such as the billion ringgit Scorpene submarine scandal which was carried out during Prime Minister Najib Razak’s tenure as the Defense Minister.

That scandal has smeared our international reputation, along with 1MDB. Two executives relating to the Scorpene deal has been indicted by French authorities. 1MDB, which emerged during the tenure of Najib as Prime Minister and Finance Minister is attracting legal action in Switzerland, Singapore, the US and Australia.

1MDB has negatively impacted on our army veterans who had to contend with delayed gratuity payments due to LTAT’s exposure to 1MDB’s business. The rakyat suffers a double whammy as they are being squeezed by the economy.