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Ismail Sabri Must Prove “Malaysian Family” Phrase Has Substance

Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s talk of a “Malaysian Family” is an acknowledgement, however belated, that UMNO’s racially divisive rhetoric does not reflect the reality on the ground of our country.

Malaysia has always been a “family” for its people, long before some politicians chose to label it as such.

Nevertheless, it is hoped that the new Prime Minister will follow his words with actions in order to unite our country, especially in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

He cannot fail to realise that many Malaysians have little reason for confidence or hope in these difficult times, especially given the controversial record of his party and his own rhetoric.

Happy and stable families, after all, must listen to and enrich the lives their members, rather than ignore and exclude certain relatives, or take unilateral decisions without any consultation.

In contrast, KEADILAN under Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim has consistently stressed the need for progressive multiracialism.

We have always been and will always remain a multiracial party, championing an all-country approach in development and governance, such as through the Malaysian Economic Agenda and Ketuanan Rakyat concept.

KEADILAN has proven that its promises have substance. It is up to the Prime Minister to do the same in the 21 months remaining in the term of this Parliament.