We do not have big taukes behind us.
We do not steal the rakyat’s money. We are a people’s movement backed by ordinary Malaysians like you, fighting for a cleaner, fairer and more prosperous Malaysia.
Scan the QR Code to contribute
- Launch your preferred Mobile Banking or eWallet app.
- Scan this DuitNow QR code.
- Enter the amount you want to contribute.
- Confirm payment details and pay.
- Receive payment confirmation.
PKR Cabang Setiawangsa
You can contribute to our campaign at the following account:
Account Name
Parti Keadilan Rakyat Cabang Setiawangsa
Account Number
All contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
Terms & Conditions
By making contributions via this website, you understand and accept the following:
KEADILAN Setiawangsa reserves the right to not accept a contribution and to determine the use of contributions.
All donations are not refundable.