Tomorrow, we will go to the polls in what will be the most momentous elections in the history of our country.
I urge all Malaysians—especially in Setiawangsa—to turn out to exercise their democratic right to elect their legislators and government.
I hope all voters will come out early and go through the voting process patiently.
I thank the people of Setiawangsa for letting me get to know them, for sharing with me their hopes for the future.
My time in Setiawangsa has reinforced my faith that Malaysians and our country are already great.
Our greatness lies in the hard work, sacrifice and integrity of our people. It can only continue to be great when it meets their dreams and aspirations, when it looks out for the many, rather than the few.
This is what is at stake in this election.
Tomorrow Malaysians—in Setiawangsa and elsewhere—have a choice.
It is a choice between the status quo that has left us as afraid and uncertain of the future, or between hope and change.
Vote for a better future for your country—and for your children.
Vote for an education system that will prepare them for a globalised future.
Vote for an economy that can give them jobs that they can be proud of, through which they can earn a living to own homes, raise families and contribute to the national development.
Vote for a government that will restore the independence of our public institutions, that they can defend the interests of the people.
Vote for better healthcare, for a society that cherishes and recognizes the role of women.
Vote for sustainable development for our cities and the protection—rather than the degradation of our environment.
Vote for unity rather than division. Choose hope rather than fear.
Vote wisely; without fear or favour.
Vote for Pakatan Harapan.
Let’s wake up to a new Malaysia on 10 May.